Black Kingsnake
Professional Publications
“Lampropeltis Getula Nigra (Black Kingsnake) Diet.” J. Byrd & L. Jenkins. Herpetological Review (Dec. 1996). 27(4)p204.
“A Field Study of the Black Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula nigra).” L. Jenkins & J. Byrd. Herpetological Natural History.
Endoparasites and Cloacal Autohemorrhaging in the Black Kingsnake, Lampropeltis getula nigra.” S. Colwell. Herpetological Review.
Sapling strategies and Gap Partitioning in Canopy Gaps of a Successional Forest in East Tennessee.” C. Wilder, F. Holtzclaw, E. Clebsch. Castania.
Vascular Plants of Anderson County Wildlife Sanctuary, Anderson County, Tennessee.” W. Devine, C. Wilder, & F. Holtzclaw.
Field Studies - A Handbook for Beginners.” J. Byrd & F. Holtzclaw. Academy for Teachers of Science and Mathematics, University of Tennessee. (1996).
“A Field Study of the Black Kingsnake Lampropeltis getula nigra” (Abstract). L. Jenkins & J. Byrd. Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on the natural history of the Lower Tennessee and Cumberland River Valleys. (Feb 28, 1997)
“The Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program Fourth and Fifth Annual Report.” D. Desante et. all (1996). CRESO Maps data was part of this report. K Strunk and T. Heffern.