Snake Coverboard Project
(1990 to Present)
Eastern Wormsnake (Carphophis amoenus amoenus)
CRESO’s snake coverboard project has been ongoing from 1990-1996 at the Anderson County Wildlife Sanctuary (ACWS) and from 1997 to present at the University of Tennessee Forest Resources Research & Education Center in Anderson County, Tennessee. Additional sampling resumed at ACWS in 2018.
During that time we have found approximately 4,324 snakes comprised of 15 local species.
Several papers been published from this study some of which are available for download below.
A Field Study of the Black Kingsnake, Lampropeltis getula nigra L.N. Jenkins, T.J. Thomasson IV, J.G. Byrd, Herpetological Natural History (2001).
Size and Growth in Two Populations of Black Kingsnakes, Lampropeltis nigra, in East Tennessee Ted M. Faust, Sean M. Blomquist, Southeastern Naturalist 10(3), (1 September 2011).